Here's a link to "Barry at the Party" from the film Punch-Drunk Love. Here's a good example of reactive abuse. Reactive abuse is what happens when the scapegoat is repeatedly and purposely triggered, usually within the confines of a narcissistic family system, and when that person loses it like Barry here, then everyone turns against them, viewing them as "the problem" instead of the real source - the reactive abuse.
Barry clearly hasn't learned the "Gray Rock Method." This is when you give a narcissist ZERO reaction to their baiting, say for an argument, and triggering because at the end of the day, Barry's still responsible for his reaction regardless of the reactive abuse. And his narc sisters know this.
Also, notice how Barry's brother-in-law and tribe of sisters have a collective apathy towards his obvious emotional pain and anxiety. In short, they just don't care, another pervasive pattern.
*some F-bombs.
Here's a link to the scene: